The Choice Wisdom Podcast
Episode 1/Interview 1
How to be kind every day of your life, featuring Louisa Garrett
Louisa is a self-made “kindness expert.” Her journey began after her niece called her out on an unkind remark 12 years ago. That one comment got Louisa to thinking - there must be a kinder way. And now it’s her way of life. In this full interview, she shares her wisdom for making kindness your priority.
Louisa is the Founder and Chief Kind Officer at MakeKindLoud/Pass The Love. She founded her organization out of frustration from all the negativity, chaos and confusion happening in our country and in the world. Louisa is an author and speaker, kindness coach, consultant and publicist who spends the majority of her time spearheading kindness initiatives and organizing Love Ambassadors.
You can learn more about Louisa and her work on her website:
And you can follow her on Facebook and LinkedIn (where you will get a daily dose of inspiration!)
Listen to Louisa’s full interview:
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